As you are reading this, I am in a 2002 Chevy with five other dudes heading towards Bristol, Tennessee in search of the American Dream, AKA the
Food City 500 Nascar race. Few things are more American than beer, tailgating, barbecue, living beyond your means, and racing cars. I can't wait.

For the next week I will be out of internet contact gathering content. Here is a rough plan for our trip.
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Hey while you are in Bristol go check out Pointer brand jeans. A real american clothing company.... If they are open they will give you a tour......
I am so excited to see what you come back with from Bristol. Looking forward to the profiles and pictures. You have to let me know how the BBQ is...
You stopping through Nashville?
I am so pumped to see bristol. i will give you a call if we decide to go to nashville for some suggestions.
I am going to try to swing by pointer and check out there head quarters. thanks for the advice,
Dude, Deric, I am wearing a t-shirt from Pointer as we speak! Crazy cool company. Foster, drink mother, drink! Boof nuggs, and just go crazy. Bring me back something with real tree and the number eight.
foster how did you like virginia? you basically passed through my hometown on 95 going through richmond haha. i dont even have to ask you a/b charleston sc, i know you probably loved that place.
Charleston was amazing. I spent last night and all today there. Its such a cool city.
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