This morning at around 9:30 AM, UPS is supposed to drop off my new Canon 5D Mark II. On Wednesday, much to my glee and surprise, my Canon 24-105mm f4.0L lens arrived ahead of schedule. Five months ago, I decided to get an a Canon XSI on a whim that I may enjoy photography. This camera opened my eyes to a new world and a passion that I never new existed.
One of the reasons I went with the 5D Mark II over a used Canon 1D or Canon 50D is the Mark II's ability to shoot 1080P video. Vincent Laforet, a Pulitzer Prize winning photographer, shot this video with a Mark II and a handful of supper nice lenses.

Hopefully with my with my 5D and the 24-105mm I will be able to take pictures like this, yours truly at 3 years old.
Here are some more links,
Canon EOS 5D Mark II Review,
My Camera Set Up (ART),
Canon 24-105mm F4.0L Review,
When I get my D700 we can have an ideological and photographic battle.
I am ready to game on angelo. Have you read gizmodo's review? http://gizmodo.com/5160540/canon-5d-mark-ii-vs-nikon-d700-review-shoot+out
No. I don't want to read it because it will probably make me sad. I'm a rigid Nikon purist for life.
I mean the d700 is an awesome camera, but can it do this http://vimeo.com/3677837
We shall see. I could get a D90 which shoots HD vid and is endorsed by Ashton. It probably won't be until after a summer of work that I'll be able to afford a new camera either way.
Ashton is pretty darn sweet and d90 are amazing cameras. What lenses do you have already?
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