People's taste evolves. It grows more complex and requires more to satisfy its increasing appetite. Starting in August, I decorated my wall with pieces of things found in the world around me. I started small with a piece of driftwood from Lake Champlain in Vermont and a few odds and ends from a flea market in Woolwich, Maine. From there I found a blanket at a garage sale and an American flag at an antique mall near my school. Recently, I pulled everything down and added some new finds.
My most prized piece of L.L. Bean clothing I own: vintage barn jacket.
My two favorite packs.
Face t0 face.
Shoes I have loved.
I like red details.
I enjoy the process of envisioning something and then trying my best to execute it, even more than the final result. In a few months I will grow restless and take it all down again, but I am okay with that.
Here are some more links,
A Wall in My Room: Part 3 (Picasa),
A Wall in My Room: Part 2 (ART),
A Wall in My Room: Part 1 (ART).
Edit: Alder Stream make some great packs.
they are the best kept secrete in maine,
I spent nearly an hour this morning looking at various options for packs online. A meeting interrupted my browsing and when I got back, your post was waiting. Coincidence? I think not!
Those packs are absolutely wonderful and have just moved into my top contender slot. Others include:
As always, great post. This series has inspired me to continue to pare down and simplify my surroundings as well as including everyday objects instead of pointless decorative crap. Well played.
those are all nice packs. i am sucker for a good pack pack and own more than i should. thanks for the kind words,
You room looks great.
You really should polish those wingtips though. Here's a post that shows the best way to polish cordovan:
thanks for the tip, i really do need to polish those babies...
awesome post. love the wear on your danners.
are those ll bean bucks?
They are british walkers. i picked them up at a thrift store in Michigan for 4 dollars this summer.
i used to visit your blog but i've never let comments.
i love your pictures, i think i'll steal some of them for a next post about my oregonian nostalgia - pictures of columbia gorge are wonderful! can i?! (and of course, i'll put your blog as credits)
thats fine, i look forward to seeing your post and thanks for stopping by,
Looking like a J. Crew - good eye, and good stuff as always.
Are those Ralph Lauren wingtips goodyear welted? They're pretty sharp.
nice wall!
@ Nicholas-
Yes, the wingtips are Goodyear welted. They are the Polo Darlton cordovan model made for RL by Crockett and Jones.
Thanks. Does anyone know if the current "Albin calf wingtip" at Ralph Lauren is worth buying? It's made in Italy, so definitely not C&J.
Thanks for the kind words dale and brian. Nicholas no idea about the none cordivan wingtips.
I swear you piss me off to no end sometimes. Brilliant photos. The stuff I covet. The soul I strive for. And you're a child...which really makes me feel bad.
i am just at the right place at the right time but thanks for the unwarranted complements,
Time of your life, eh kid?
You gotta great talent.
You see stuff I still can't see. Just make sure you don't sell it cheap...
and you'll be far ahead of me.
considering i havent sold anything, yet i will keep that in mind. some one once told me that no business is better than bad business. i do my best to follow that mantra.
thanks again for the kind words, it means a lot to me
You have impeccable taste! I've been thinking about stripping down everything and starting a new but the whole project sounds so daunting. My whole room is a hodge-podge of everything that's happened to from age 16 to the present (aka a lot of stuff).
go for it. You won't regret the process or the result. I am glad you like my taste in things,
I really love this post. Even more so, I love the comments between tintin and foster. Like 2 Salinger characters talking and we get to listen. We may need to borrow this post and re-post on PPH blog. Best, k a t
Very nice.
Check out my blog for inspiration
RIP Salinger and thanks for the nice words,
I absolutely adore your pack, and your shoes and the images of it all.
thank you very much for, the kind words, your blog isnt to shabby yourself. thanks for stopping by,
That is a great coat, I need one of those for myself, if is black even better.
Wow! Its looking amazing... Great collection.... Thanks a lot for sharing this amazing blog post.
very nice and i like the way you express everything. I hope every reader take advantage of this useful info.
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