Months of brutally cold nights starting at 4 pm make you appreciate lengthening days and warming temperatures with the same fervor as seeing your special lady friend, or special man friend, for the first time in months. In this case, I hadn't seen warm evenings in five months and took to the opportunity of spending time with close friends and grilling meats like an aging Trustifarian to a Ralph Nader book signing. Needless to say I was excited.
On Friday afternoon we stocked up at the local supermarket with the essentials: a few bottles of wine, sausages, rum and ginger beer, ground bison, chips, various hot condiments, chicken breasts, zucchinis and some Coors lattes, and headed to Tucker's house in Belgrade Lakes for an evening of gluttony by the campfire.
Kick starting spring one dark and storm at a time.
Zucchini and olive oil and chicken and ginger sauce.
As the sun crept below the horizon, we fed the fire and enjoyed the fruits of the grill. The last rays of light hit clouds coming off the coast, giving everything a pinkish hue. Conversations meandered from place to place like a group of unaccompanied ten-year-olds at a summer carnival.
Illuminating the grill with fire light.
Tending the grill.
Despite flirting with the mid 40's during the day, the temperature dropped well below freezing after sunset making the fire much more than an aesthetic contribution to the evening's festivities.
A taste of the Rockies on the lakes of Maine.
Grilling greed: premature consumption of burger or other meat that requires further cooking.
Lubricated by pounds of meat and a few beverages, we watched for occasional shooting stars, cussed about girls, whittled sticks and went on various outings in search of firewood. Our numbers faded as one member of the half circle surrounding the fire pit after another left for the comfort of bed and the promise of the next day's activities.
Here are some more links,
Gluttony by the Campfire (Picasa),
By the Campfire (Picasa),
BBQ from the South (ART).
i absolutely love your blog. it feeds a part of me that i have left in the Pac is south dakota can be hard- no water or trees anywhere. sometimes i feel like i am asleep without them.
thanks again.
Foster, as your time in Maine winds down, your free time probably winds down, also. But if you have some time to spare, I think your camera's eye would find much to like about Fort Knox in Bucksport.
Regarding this post....mmmmm, sausages.
orono, maine
Thank you for you kind words samimi. I dont know what i would do with out water or the trees,
i will stop by the fort next time i head down east. it looks great,
hope you guys didn't do too much cussin about this girl.
hahah we didnt cus at all about you, hope you and ernie have an awesome time,
EVERYTHING tastes better when it's cooked over campfire. Also, these photos look good enough to eat.
deb oh,
youre right,fire makes everything taste better, even zucchini haha. thanks for the kind words,
don't you think it's time for the spring (title) background? ;-) take care - Frank
when the grass turns green I will snap a new one. Right now everything looks dead,
really cool blog!!
Man, I am late to the party on this post, but it is awesome. I especially like the Ralph Nader analogy.
glad you appreciate the political simile. thanks for the kind words,
I love your pics! what kind of camera do you have?
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