Tuesday, May 24, 2011


The sound of rain bouncing off my open windowsill and thunder in the distance woke me up at 3:45 on Saturday morning. Rolling to the foot of my bed, I quickly shut the window. "What the fuck is this, it's May? It must be rapture," I though to myself.

Grey weather in the month of May has kept me inside. Here are some of my favorite shots taken inside during the last month.

These sites take me away from the constant grey and humidity, wholelarderlove.com and grassdoe.blogspot.com.

Sunday morning in Ashley Falls Massachusetts.

I'm ready for the rain to let up. I feel like in back in the Pacific Northwest in February.


Anonymous said...

love jon levitt's stuff

Foster Huntington said...

i check it a few times a week,

Eran Evan said...

sorry for sounding so cliche but the photos are simply breathtaking.
especially the piled up books.

Foster Huntington said...

thanks for the kind words. i like those books stacks too,

Tiger In A Jar said...

great shots! and the book stacks are great. I love the way your place feels.

Foster Huntington said...

Tiger in a jar,
its actually not my place, its my friend jamie's http://the-burning-house.com/post/5576931190/jamie-apostolou


Amatourist said...

great inside shots. I really dig the stacks. and be patient with the weather... heat and drought will come. we're touching 99 down here in Texas this weekend and haven't seen rain since '07. happy Memorial Day