Viewed from the window of the backseat of cabs and late night wonderings, street corners and landmarks etched themselves into my subconscious knowledge of the city. As my comfort with my surroundings increased, I started taking my camera with me.
On walks to and from work, evening outings and lazy Saturday afternoons I snap photos with the same attitude and intentions as I did in Maine. In the absence of sharing my photos on my blog, I email my photos to my friends and family, impatiently waiting on their responses.
Russ & Daughters.
Ice fishing traps.
New York summers are humid.
My favorite snack.
Loud Horn.
A Maine Coon Cat in the West Village.
Bass and Karen and Sara of the Identical Eye.
I love the buildings and skyline.
Patrick enjoying a beverage.
Unlike its fancy German counterparts behind it, this Man's car refuses to be parked like a case of Diet Coke at a Costco.

Excited by the vibrancy of my new environment and surrounded by inspiring people from all walks of life, I am more at home than ever. I miss sunsets uninterrupted by jagged roof tops and the sound of morning doves, but welcome the excitement of a new place. Away from ice shanties, flying shoes, and rural farmers, I search for my voice and perspective in a new city. I am eager, yet in no rush. My photos and writing will look and feel different, but that's what I want. I am growing up.
welcome back. you've been missed.
thank you, im glad to be posting again.
foster, glad to see you back posting again. having gone through similar transitions myself, i'm eager to see your photos and new perspective. cheers.
Its fun to take photos in a new place. at first i didnt want to be another jack ass with a camera walking around a big city. but now i am enjoying it. thanks for commenting,
I especially love that truck photo. I would hang that print in my apartment.
Welcome back - New York should be a great photographic influence. Looking forward to the results.
thanks for the kind words. new york has been a great influence those far. it makes me appreciate the time i spent in new england. I like the truck one a lot. its was on Great Jones Street right next to Partners and Spade.
Great to have you back in my Reading List. Your work is always an inspiration.
Best of luck in NYC.
thanks for the kind words and wishes. I am happy to be back on you reading list.
Finally a new post!
damn it, it's about time...are you done hibernating? have been missed, do tell us all about your fabulous new job at RL...welcome back
i cant really talk about my job at RL. i will say that i really enjoy it and am learning a ton. thanks for the kind words,
Shots are still killer in the new urban digs. I was thinking today about a Maine in NYC contrast, and I know you're not one to take requests, BUT I'd love to see a pair of Bean Boots tied together, hanging over a power line - if that doesn't sum up your transition, I don't know what does. I'll provide the Bean Boots, seriously. Warm Regards...
Found your blog near the end of this spring just as I was graduating from the University of Michigan.
I traveled out to Maine last summer and deeply enjoyed my time there, I am glad to see your posts again.
I am very glad to see you are back. Your photos and your words are truly inspiring.
/ Oscar from sweden
thanks for the kind words. I am glad i could be an inspiration. Im flattered. glad you stopped by.
both of my grandparents were professors at UMich. i love Ann Arbor. hope life post college is going well,
We used to say, "Welcome to NYC. Now go home & F#ck yourself!" Apparetly we've gotten softer over the years, so I'll just say Welcome to New York!
thank you sir!
These are great. I love the pigeon. The great thing about shooting in NYC is that your invisible. No one gives a shit. The things I do here would get me a serious ass whooping in northeast Florida.
Glad to see you back and in NY. Even if you're working for the soulless.
tin tin,
I love the anonymity of new york. Despite being around thousands of people each day i dont give a shit about singing to myself.
I am glad to share a city with you, hope all is well,
Welcome to NYC - it's a great place to Be.
So excited for you and for us, who get to read your new posts! Glad to see you back!!
deb oh and main street,
thanks for the kind words. i happy to be back and posting again,
i have followed your blog throughout your college career. i own danner lites and a canon camera due to your posts. ive enjoyed it all; glad you're back. by the way i'm probally older than your parents. your blog has wide following.
I am flattered by your words. I hope you enjoy taking photos with you canon and that you danners take you interesting places. Thanks for reading my words and looking at my photos,
Hey Foster,
I've really been enjoying your blog since I first came across it via ACL. I was wondering where you got your nylon band on your watch? It looks really great with the stainless steel of the watch case.
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