"Not sure, perhaps Canadian is some mongoloid earthworm bred for fishing" Tucker chirped, distracted by the writhing worm lanced by his size-4 hook.
"Regardless of its etymology, it's not like worms give a shit about where they are grown. I mean, mangoes only grow in the tropics, but worms can grow any where there is fucking dirt, right?" I swore out of the corner of my mouth as I untangled the bird's nest surrounding the end of my fishing reel.
"Yah, not sure," Tucker quickly dismissed. "Leave it to Walmart, they were the only place open," he said, pulling back the bail arm and clutching the line with his forefinger.
With a cast and a plunk, the question of origin of the name and need to import fishing worms was laid to rest as our attention transferred intently to the orange bobber swaying to and fro on the evening's waves.
Casting and then reeling in as our patience flowed in a wave-like motion, Tucker and I watched the sun slip towards the trees and vacation houses on the other side of Messalonskee Pond.
Contemplating the cloud formations, what we will be doing in five years and the origins of various bird songs, our conversations meandered with no agenda. Focusing on our bobbers, time slid by as we watched for a much anticipated movement of signaling a curious fish. The Canadian worms; grown in Michigan and skewered in Maine.
After an hour and a half, an overzealous cast snagged a sixty-foot pine tree hanging over the bank. Tugging and swearing, the line snapped, ending our evening of fishing. Other than the tree, we caught nothing. Not even a bite. We will be back tomorrow.
Here are some more links,
Fishing at Sunset (Picasa).
I guess I found her blog from Sufu (I'm soonami) but I have to say, that I really enjoy the photography and content that you consistently post. I follow hundreds of blogs and sites on Google reader, but I always try to check out your updates.
Keep up the great work
Your blog is cool! I like the colors of photos.
Canadian worms... grown in Michigan and skewered in Maine...
This must involve a stop-over in Batavia, NY.
Never mind; it's an inside joke.
In fact it's so inside that only I get it!
Thanks for the kind words all. I really appreciate your support.
Michael soo,
i am glad you check back for updates. thanks for the rss follow.
glad you like the colors.
god damn canadian worms!
Hey Foster - I thought you might be interested in this article. I enjoy your work.
what a cool program. I went to high school with a bunch of the Bishops, the family the owns pendelton. They are a supper cool company but i am surprised they took a gamble with sponsoring a program like that. thats fucking awesome,
Very nice story and good photos, I enjoyed it a lot!
stay away from swiss army knives for $9.95 made in China and 20 foot tapes not made in the usa, they either don't slice your hand or slice your hand.....Have a fun visit and graduation, I will be thinking of you.....
maybe the fish have exotic taste buds.
aren't earth worms from Michigan exotic for a maine trout?
Delicious blog! I like your pictures, the story they tell, how they are build up, the colors - everything!!
thanks for the kind words jens. glad you like it,
Hello Foster! I am one of the few (it seems) girls who read your blog. I keep seeing pictures of your hiking boots, the pair with the red laces. They seem to have gone through a lot of wear -- can you tell me how long you've had them? Do they need to be further protected against wet conditions? I want to get a pair of those Danner shoes but want to make sure the price is worth it. Otherwise I'd get a pair of similar Keen shoes for a lot less. Thanks!
The 4th to the last shot is the one that finally makes me sigh. a good sigh (in case your wondering)
The cursing makes me laugh - and the wal mart hate. In this house I am never allowed to shop at walmart. No matter the hour.
Fishing at Sunset is amazing I enjoy that practice because it makes me feel so free, I can fishing and thinking on other thinks while I do it, and also getting food for my family.
This is really amazing blog post found here.... very interesting found.. Thanks very much for the share.... Great work! Keep it up...
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