Since adopting a professional schedule somewhat resembling a 9 to 5 but striking a closer resemblance to an 8 to 7:30, I rarely take my 5D Mark II with me on my commute and rompings around New York. Instead, I rely on my iPhone to capture moments around me. Along with maintaining a general level of overall ineffectiveness when making calls, my phone continues to produce some of my favorite images. Here are a few from the last four months.

A sunset in July.
Twilight in mid July.
A foggy sunrise at Popham Beach, Maine in late July.

Green in Central park in early August.
A view of Central Park on Forth of July Weekend.
Sunset on the Jaquelin Kennedy reservoir in mid June.
A view from the roll bar of a 1957 Willy's Jeep in Moiser, Oregon during Labor Day weekend.
The last rays of a mid September evening on the Upper West Side.
My two cameras in Early September.
A hazy September morning on my walk to work.
Jarad Hadi in Southeast Portland in early September.
An Indian Summer evening after work in Midtown.
A Saturday skateboarding at the Chelsea pier.
Tapping on the screen between sips of my tongue-burning coffee, I eventually settled on "Cortez the Killer." Turning up the volume, I shifted the tiny lens of my iPhone towards my coffee cup and fired away. Unfortunately, the image didn't turn out the way I envisioned, and I continued on my walk enticed by the steam of my beverage and the comfort of my Filson Jacket.
Here are some more links,
Out of Reception: Early Summer (Picasa),
Out of Reception: Life Changes Fast (Picasa),
Out of Reception: Last of Summer (Picasa),
Out of Reception (A.R.T.)
I made my first trip to NYC this Thursday through Monday, it was a beautiful beginning to October.
Hope to return there soon, loved you photos.
New york is awesome. I wouldnt want to live in another city. period. thanks for the nice words,
Love the latest post, Foster. Your photos and commentary bring a certain romance back to the city that I've yet to miss.
Sending best wishes from Maine,
Neil Young or Built to Spill?
how are you doing? i hope you are having a blast in maine. did you go to common ground fair? thanks for the kind words,
neil young all the way. i havent heard the built to spill version. is it good?
wow, for an iphone those pictures are amazing! maybe i should be rethinking my black berry. either way, impressive as always! i am particularly fond of the first one. living in new york must be amazing.
I love these photos, especially the woman walking out into the water. It's so serene.
the iphone takes amazing photos. its one of the major reasons that i still use it. thanks for the kind words,
the morning was great for taking photos. i left my 5d in the car or else i would have filled a card.
neil young baby!
cortez, cortez
Dang, where's that second one taken? What looks like a forest between two city blocks?
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