Monday, March 16, 2009

A Taste of Maine with Nick and Max

On Saturday I walked around Cape Elizabeth Maine with Nick and Max. Here are some photos from our day.

Max or Johnny Knoxville?

Lost Boy?

1080p with my 5D Mark II. I just got a Vimeo plus account and I hope to incorporate videos into my repertoire and become a video artist like Knox Harrington.

Nick at the beach in Cape Elizabeth.

Smile : )

Max at Higgins Beach. Check out The Fat of the Land for more.

Here are some more links,
A Taste of Maine (Picasa),


Anonymous said...

Looks like you and Max had a bit too much fun. I have to agree that Mr. Knoxville and Max have a resemblance, however I don't think Max will be subjecting himself to Tazers anytime soon.

Foster Huntington said...

Lets hope not. Its the stash that seals the deal.

Anonymous said...

Love the white barn, but I wouldn't want to paint that this summer. Tim's wanting to build a palapa in one week, youthful enthusiasm plus. Recycled wood going up that hill is going to be a challenge....

Foster Huntington said...

i will believe it when i see it but i wish timmy the best with it. i wonder how much you will end up doing...

Anonymous said...

Looks . . . cold.

Foster Huntington said...

it was pretty darn chilly at the end of the afternoon. it was very windy.

A TIME TO GET said...

Pictures are nutty good. Love that! The high today was 74, although we don't have an LLBean factory. Green is grassier I suppose. Always great pics, thanks.


home sweet home. how'd she look?

Foster Huntington said...

it was beautiful, wish you were there to enjoy it with me.