Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Day At LL Bean with Max from All Plaid Out

Yesterday I met up with Max from All Plaid Out and toured LL Beans offices, archives, tote and boot factory. This coming week we will posting some great stuff. I took 800 photos. Here is a small taste.

Set of Bean boots hot off the press at the Brunswick Factory.

An LL Bean pocket watch by Hamilton from the archives.

Here are some more links,
All Plaid Out,
LL Bean.


Memphis88 said...

This is really exciting. It'll definitely help ease the pain of starting back to classes after spring break.

heavy tweed jacket said...

Excellent post and topic. Sounds like a great tour. Looking forward to the photos.

james said...

Can't wait to see the upcoming posts.
Great photos.

best regards,

Foster Huntington said...

it was an amazing tour, we had a blast. i cant wait to post the pictures and tell the stories.

Anonymous said...

I've been telling people it may have been one of the best days of my life, and I think that may be downplaying it.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant! So very jealous of both of you.

Foster Huntington said...

i am excited to post on our tour of the factory tomorrow, we have some cool stuff,

Anonymous said...

Check out the white glove test definition here....

Mitch said...

Awesome.... enjoyed your interest in the boots. Check us out at

Pigtown*Design said...

someone told me that the main airport in tokyo has one terminal dedicated to receiving packages from ll bean.